
One of 竞技宝app下载大学’s annual student-led events. Planned, prepared, and executed by an Executive Board of students from any major. Students participate in the event planning through marketing, 物流, 食品和饮料, 采购, 以及其他专业.



Mr. 威廉D. Stafford was the first chairman of the Hotel, Restaurant & Resort Management Department at Northwood Institute. 从1969年到1975年,Mr. 斯塔福德分享了他对酒店业的了解,并将其纳入了课程. Stafford Dinner was created in memory of our founder. 这一晚将向学生介绍动手技能和实际工作经验,因为他们走出教室,为您提供, 竞技宝app下载的客人, 有一个美妙的夜晚. 这些学生精心策划、准备和实施了今晚的庆祝活动,让你们尽情享受. 竞技宝app下载向两位先生致敬。. 威廉·斯塔福德和夫人. Ethel Stafford感谢他们对行业和学生的指导、支持和热情.


竞技宝app下载大学’s 49th Annual Stafford Dinner

Lasso on up to the western world of Stafford Saloon

Saturday evening: February 24th, 2024 at 5 O'clock

Step into the wild west at Stafford Saloon, where you’re invited to join us for a captivating dinner like no other.

抛开日常生活的喧嚣,准备好享受美味佳肴的夜晚, 社区, and a journey through time. At this remarkable shindig, we’re serving up piping hot, freshly plated dishes that are sure to delight your taste buds. 但真正的享受是有机会支持竞技宝app下载的幸运学生,因为他们努力在这个美妙的夜晚击败你. 冒险穿过质朴的谷仓,经过熙熙攘攘的市场,沉浸在竞技宝app下载迷人的西方世界中. Witness history come to life as you step through the iconic saloon doors, ready to giddy on up for an unforgettable evening.

So, don your cowboy boots and prepare for an evening of delicious food, 有趣的, and 有趣的draising at Stafford Saloon!

Holiday Inn Hotel, 810 Cinema Dr Midland, MI 48642 United States


Guest speakers: Phil Tolliver from Smokehouse 52 BBQ

Entertainment featuring line dancers from Two Girls in Boots!

All payment forms are accepted for silent auction and donations. 只付酒吧的现金.

Come dressed in elegant western attire. Rustic and muted colors, cowboy hats and boots welcome.


Stafford Dinner Executive Board

Entertainment and Procurement Chair

Hailey Granata is a Hospitality Management major. In her third year attending, Hailey is on the MBA fast track and plans to wrap up her time at Northwood in 2025. 为什么斯塔福德晚宴? “I choose to be apart of Stafford Dinner to not only gain real world experience, but to also help Northwood students. I love knowing that the hard work I am doing is going to help someone. 斯塔福德晚宴教会竞技宝app下载从头开始创建一个活动意味着什么,并让竞技宝app下载有机会与本地和非本地的人和组织建立联系.”


Nicolas Tolliver is a Hospitality Management major. In his third year attending, Nicolas plans to wrap up his time at Northwood in 2025. 为什么斯塔福德晚宴? “我在一家家庭餐厅工作,从小就爱上了酒店业. 过去两年了, 斯塔福德晚宴为我提供了一个机会,在酒店环境中测试我的能力,而不是在餐厅. 当每个人都带着饱腹和微笑离开时,与团队一起制作宴会晚餐的能力是一项伟大的成就.”


Emily Upton is a Hospitality Management major. In her third year, Emily plans to wrap up her time at Northwood in 2025. 为什么斯塔福德晚宴? “我选择参加今年的斯塔福德晚宴,因为我想在我追求的行业中获得真实的生活经验. 我计划毕业后从事活动策划工作,所以在斯塔福德晚宴的幕后工作让我很好地了解了会发生什么以及如何准备.”

Marketing, Public Relations, and Invitations Chair

Mackenzie Carter is a Marketing Communications major. In her third year attending, Mackenzie is on the MBA fast track and plans to wrap up her time at Northwood in 2025. 为什么斯塔福德晚宴? “I chose to be apart of Stafford Dinner this year because I wanted to gain new skills. This opportunity is unlike anything else that Northwood offers. Since I have been attending Northwood, 我的计划是参加各种活动,让我获得不同的技能和知识. When the time of graduation comes, 我可以自豪地说,我从竞技宝app下载提供给我的几个不同的机会中继承了一长串有用的技能和知识.”


Taylor Brown is a Marketing major with a Marketing Communications minor. In her second year attending, Taylor plans to wrap up her time at Northwood in 2026. 为什么斯塔福德晚宴? “I chose Stafford Dinner because I really like being involved with events on campus. This event for me is just one more learning experience I can gain while at Northwood.”


Morgan Bryce is a Hospitality management major. In her second year attending, Morgan is on the MBA fast track and plans to wrap up her time at Northwood in 2026. 为什么斯塔福德晚宴? “我选择参加斯塔福德晚宴是为了获得从头到尾策划活动的实际经验,因为我计划在从竞技宝app下载毕业后从事活动协调工作!”


Delanie Lucas is a Marketing major. In her second year attending, Delanie is on the MBA fast track and plans to wrap up her time at Northwood in 2026. 为什么斯塔福德晚宴? “我选择参加斯塔福德晚宴,因为它允许像我这样有奉献精神和雄心勃勃的学生从零开始,从头到尾共同努力, which in itself is gratifying. 参加一个完全由学生组织的活动给了竞技宝app下载一个实践的平台来发展活动管理技能, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility. I was always taught to give back whenever possible, having all of the proceeds go to student scholarships is really important to me.”


Karla Spaeth is one of the advisors for this year’s Stafford Dinner. Karla has been in the hospitality industry since 1987 and started teaching in 2003. Why is Stafford dinner important? “斯塔福德晚餐是一个重要的动手体验式学习工具,让课程内外的学生都能在批判性思维等多个技能领域培养成长和经验, 领导, 团队建设, 和头脑风暴, 只是为了认识一些. 这个活动提供了一个灵活的结构机会,让学生能够培养他们的想象力和创造力,同时有效地为竞技宝app下载的客人创造和实现一个吉祥的餐饮和娱乐体验.”


尼古拉斯·汉密尔顿(Nicolas Hamilton)是2002年的校友,现任酒店管理系副教授和主席. He has spent the previous eighteen years in various roles as Marriott 国际. 尼古拉斯和他的妻子凯利还在大湖湾地区及其他地区拥有并经营雪球刨冰. Why is Stafford Dinner important? “The Stafford Dinner stands as a cornerstone of our program’s commitment to education. Spearheaded by out student, this event surpasses the typical 有趣的draiser. 它不仅为学生奖学金提供了重要的资源,而且为学生提供了一个平台,展示他们在教授的指导下磨练出来的实用技能. 在本质上, 斯塔福德晚宴不仅赋予未来的竞技宝app下载权力,而且强调了竞技宝app下载大学内导师和学生成就之间的合作关系.”


Laura Rhodes is one of the advisors for this year’s Stafford Dinner. 劳拉是竞技宝app下载的年度捐赠总监,也是2017年的创业和酒店管理毕业生. Laura has worked in the hospitality industry for almost 10 years. Why is Stafford Dinner important? “回到竞技宝app下载并作为顾问参与斯塔福德晚餐的工作真是太棒了. 作为一名学生,我参与了斯塔福德晚宴,我在董事会的经历是我在竞技宝app下载获得的最好的现实体验之一. Stafford also brought me some life-long friendships. 我很高兴能够与现在的学生分享我的经验,帮助他们创造一个精彩的活动,并在一个动手的环境中学习技能.”

主厨Casey Rae



Casey Rae is currently the executive chef at 竞技宝app下载大学. 20多年来, 他一直在食品服务行业实践法国培训的烹饪理念和趋势. 多年来,凯西因其参与5星级镀事件和宴会而受到认可. 当凯西不把他的烹饪技能工作,他喜欢扔飞镖和看电影.



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